Why is Exercise Good for your Body

Health experts and researchers advise involving in at least 30 minutes of moderate to intensity physical activity on most days, preferably daily, to preserve health and lower your risk of health issues. So here below we will see Why is Exercise Good for your body.

Why is Exercise Good for your Body
Why is Exercise Good for your Body


Why is Exercise Good for your Body

We often think of exercise as physical activity. But it has recently been shown to work as well as treatments in depression sufferers. Exercises especially like walking, yoga, running, and lifting weights are more effective. Depression affects life in many ways and kills interest in all things and almost makes a man very lonely. It also increase diseases like heart disease, anxiety and cancer. Many cope with medication and psychotherapy, but for some people it doesn’t work as well due to various reasons. So researchers have found that in times like this, adding exercise along with medication and psychological treatments has a good effect. It has been shown that the more and the more intense we exercise, the greater are the results.

How Exercise Helps Us

  1.  Exercise not only strengthens the body, but also the mind. During exercise endorphins get released in the brain which makes naturally feel comfortable. Reduces suffering.
  2.  Negative feelings haunt you when you are depressed. These make the suffering worse. Instead of dwelling on these things, diverting your mind to other things will reduce negative thoughts. Exercise is very useful for this.
  3.  Exercising regularly keeps emotions under control. Not only that self-confidence also will improve.
  4.  Meeting others while exercising outdoors like public parks creates social bonds. If people around you greet and talk with a smile, the mood and mind will lighten, can keep enthusiastic through out he day.
Why is Exercise Good for your Body
Why is Exercise Good for your Body

If Your Job Requires to Sit You More – Exercise More

Sitting for long periods of the day? But exercise more. Exercise has been shown that lower the chance of death, according to a recent study compared to people who exercise regularly, those who sat for extended periods of time had a 16% higher risk of dying from any cause and a 34% higher likelihood of dying from heart disease. If these persons exercise for an additional 15 to 30 minutes each day, their risk of dying approaches that of physically active people. If these people exercise for an additional 15 to 30 minutes a day, the risk of death approaches the same level as those who are active.

So it is better to give a little more work to the legs. There is always a way if we are strongly committed to exercise daily. Those who walk for half an hour can extend for another quarter of an hour. Those who go to the gym twice a week can go three times. Even in the office, sometimes you can get up from the chair and take four steps, standing desks can be used. Even small changes like these can show big results.

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Which Type of Exercise to Do ?

Depending upon time and feasibility aerobic exercises such as running, cycling, which increase the heart and breathing rate, resistance exercises such as lifting weights, pulling bands, and interval training, which is done at a very fast pace while resting in between, is notable for reducing blood pressure even more with isometric exercise.

Why is Exercise Good for your Body
Why is Exercise Good for your Body


  1.  Why is exercise important to the body?
  2.  Why is it important to exercise properly?
  3. Is it good for your body to exercise everyday?

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