Summer Season – How to Stay Cool in Summer

Summer Season means holidays. It is good to go out and have fun but it is difficult to bear the heat. We were just watching how the sun was setting. Day by day increasing heat is disturbing. The heat is suffocating. The problems that arise during the summer season are also okay. Excessive sweating reduces the water and salts in the stomach.

Weakness and lethargy will disappear. Diseases like diarrhea and jaundice are also attacked by food that spoils quickly due to heat in summer season. The plague of poisonous fevers is no less. But Ayurveda says that summer ailments can be avoided by taking some precautions in terms of food and vacations. It assures that even if you face problems, you can get relief with medicines and tips.

Summer Season - How to Stay Cool in Summer
Summer Season – How to Stay Cool in Summer


Summer Season – How to Stay Cool in Summer

Make Sure Eat Properly


Minerals are strengthened only if the food is tasty and clean. So attention to food is necessary. Do not eat food that has been stored outside for a long time as ingredients spoil quickly in summer season. Eat freshly cooked food. During this summer season period, there is a possibility of fire, so take food that is easily digestible and pleasant to the mouth. Viscous materials like ghee and oil are also required in moderation. Sweet juice is good in summer season. It adds strength to the stool. Watery vegetables like cucumber, gourd, beetroot, and gourd are good for curries.

6 Benefits of Cucumber that one should Know

Greens like spinach and spinach are also excellent. Grapes, pomegranates, beets and oranges provide water and nutrients. You can also eat mangoes and watermelon in moderation. If you don’t have a meal with curd, you don’t feel like eating. But don’t eat sour curd in summer season. It causes irritation of bile. Eat sweet curd. Many people eat ice creams in summer season. Cold foods like these can be comforting but don’t eat too cold. Cold foods reduce digestion.

Summer Season - How to Stay Cool in Summer
Summer Season – How to Stay Cool in Summer


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Get More Energy From Drinks

During the summer season, water and salts are lost more in the form of sweat. Therefore water should be replaced from time to time. However, it is better to drink water at room temperature or in a slightly cold pot than water that is too cold. Below are the certain drinks are also helpful

  • It is good to take sugar and some cardamom powder in curd. It cools body tempararture in summer season.
  • Pomegranate fruit juice mixed with curd or condensed milk and sugar in small amounts reduces body temperature.
  • By mixing well-cooked meat juice (soup) with pomegranate juice, the drink is prepared. Add jaggery, a little pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon powder to it… It can be chilled and drunk in the evening. The presence of meat also provides adequate nutrition to the body. Sour Pomegranate Root is good for the mouth and improves digestion in summer season.
  • Buttermilk: After squeezing lemon juice into thin buttermilk, adding a little pepper powder and Saindhava salt, drink a glass in the morning and evening to replace the water and salts lost through sweat. Can protect from sunburn in summer season.
  • Lemon juice: Drinking lemon juice mixed with water is good in summer seasion. Adding a little salt and sugar is even better. If you can, you can also use cumin and cardamom powder.
  • Mango drink: Boil the mango fruit and extract the pulp. It should be boiled and caramelized with enough sugar. Add a little Saindhava salt and cardamom powder to it and store it. It is good to take a little when needed and mix it with water as a drink.
  • Syrup made with jaggery is known to everyone. It cures depression well. will change. Strengthens the body.
  • Coriander water: Soak coriander in water the night before and drink it the next morning to reduce stomach heat summer season.

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Precautions to Take in Vacation

Don’t go too much in the sun. If you go, make sure that the sun does not hit the body directly. Carry an umbrella. A handkerchief should be wrapped around the head. Also wear light colored clothes in summer season.

If you apply sesame oil on your body in the morning and then take a bath, you will get coolness. After bathing, apply half-baked sandalwood. If sandalwood is applied on the forehead, stomach and chest, the heat will leave the body quickly, applying sesame oil on the scalp and feet before going to bed at night provides good relief, sleep well in summer season.

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