Sleep – 5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep

There are many myths about sleep. Some individuals desire to sleep less. Others think they can cover the sleep later if they have sleep for less time. Some think there is no risk associated with snoring as long as it doesn’t annoy the neighbors. Some people believe that as long as you don’t bother your neighbors, there is no danger involved in snoring. Some people believe that falling asleep right away after going to bed is typical and that everything is OK. Which of these statements is accurate? Let’s know some of 5 myths you should know about sleep.

Sleep - 5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep
Sleep – 5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep

5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep

Myth about Five Hours Sleep

Some feel that five hours of sleep a night is enough. This is not true of all. Some may look smart after sleeping for five or six hours, but the number of such people is very few. Experts recommend that everyone else needs 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep often, your enthusiasm and intelligence will weaken. Lack of skill in work. The risk of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure increases.

Quick Nap is not Replacement

Did not sleep well at night. Sleep is intoxicating. If you take a nap during the day, you will feel refreshed. It’s not as if the night’s sleep has been replaced. Daytime sleep does not have four stages like night time sleep. We will miss the third stage sleep. This third stage of sleep is important for strengthening the immune system and healing wounds.

There is also a risk of daytime sleepiness if there are problems with insomnia and shortness of breath during sleep (sleep apnea), because sleep during the day does not make you fall asleep quickly at night. The biological clock is also disrupted. So be careful about daytime snooze. Try to keep it to no more than thirty minutes. It needs to be taken no later than three in the afternoon. You might feel disoriented and sleepy even if you get too much sleep or remain up late. might not be able to get back to sleep at night.

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Sleep - 5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep
Sleep – 5 Myths You Should Know About Sleep
Take Care about Snoring

The next myth is that some people believe that there is no problem with snoring as long as it does not disturb others when they are in sleep. This is not a problem.. Snoring is considered as a sign of deep sleep. This is not true, snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. In some people, the back of the throat relaxes and slides down during sleep. It blocks the airway and stops breathing for a while. People snore loudly as they took a deep breath. When breathing stops, oxygen in the blood decreases.

This also wakes you up from sleep. Some even wake up several times an hour. Otherwise it is not known due to sleep. Additionally, the heart must work harder to pump blood when there is less oxygen in the blood.Blood pressure rises as a result. This is one of the causes of the higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, heart attacks, and early death among those who suffer sleep apnea.

However, not all snorers have sleep apnea. 20% of people with this problem may not actually snore. Also. How else to identify? If you feel sleepy during the day, have a headache in the morning, or have high blood pressure, you should suspect sleep apnea. A doctor should be consulted. If necessary, sleep patterns are tested to determine the problem.

Falling Sleep in Fast

Some sleep fall asleep when they lie down. It is also considered an indicator of good health. This is not always true. If there is no mental stress, pain and trouble, then it is not surprising to fall asleep quickly. But if you often fall asleep immediately after going to bed or sitting in a chair, you should be suspicious. This may be an indication of sleep deprivation.

There is no need to worry if you stay alert during the day and sleep immediately after going to bed. But if you feel drowsy during the day and fall asleep as soon as you go to bed, especially if you fall asleep in the office or while talking to someone, you have to be careful. This means not sleeping well at night.

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Although Melatonin is Natural

Some take melatonin hormone pills to help them sleep. They think that this is a natural hormone and there is no problem with it. Low doses of melatonin are mostly safe. But if taken in large quantities, problems such as headache, increase or decrease in blood pressure, daytime sleepiness and vomiting may occur. Usually melatonin is taken 0.3 mg a couple of hours before going to bed. From 5 mg. Doctors suggest taking it in moderation.

You may feel drowsy during the day even at this prescribed dose. Problems like vomiting may bother you. Melatonin also interacts with birth control and blood pressure pills. It should also not be used during pregnancy. So, before using melatonin, the precautions prescribed by the doctor should be strictly followed.


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