Benefits of overnight Oats

Overnight oats are a quick and nutritious breakfast alternative that needs no preparation. In the olden days, adults used to mix rice in a pot or a bowl at night, mix it with milk, let it rise a little and cover it. The rice added like this is called ‘Tarawani’ in some areas.

Those who go to work in the fields, those who go to offices, and children who go to study used to pick and eat green chillis, onions, any greens in the morning..! Then came many breakfasts. But as it is said ‘old is gold’ now retro fashions and methods are becoming popular in everything, old ways are also coming in the case of breakfast.

The concept of ‘Overnight Oats’ is exactly the same. overnight oats provide nutrients and help in losing excess weight, so let’s know about them.

Benefits of Overnight Oats
Benefits of Overnight Oats

How to Prepare the recipe:

Required Ingredients:

Oats: 3/4 cup
Chia seeds: 1 table spoon
Skimmed milk/ low fat milk: 1/2 cup (half cup)
Curd/Greek Yogurt: 2 tbsp
Honey: 1 tablespoon
* Grated Carrot : 1/2 cup (half cup)
* Cinnamon powder : 1/4 cup (quarter cup)
* Raisins: 1 tablespoon
* Walnuts: 1 tablespoon

  1. In a jar or container with a lid, combine the oats, milk, yogurt, chia seeds, honey, gated carrot,cinnamon powder, raisins  walnuts.
  2. Stir well to ensure all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. Cover the container with the lid and refrigerate overnight, or for at least 4 hours.
  4. In the morning, give the oats a good stir. You can eat them cold or warm them up in the microwave.
  5. Add your favorite toppings before serving if you want.

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Benefits of Overnight Oats

Along with many nutritional values, overnight oats are rich in fiber. Proteins in these help in energy and fibers in improving metabolism.
* Omega fatty acids in chia seeds reduce excess weight.
* Milk keeps bones strong. Yogurt provides protein and calcium to the body and improves digestion.
* Honey also contains essential minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium.
Eating good nutrients at breakfast will keep you energized throughout the day. Not only these, but adding seasonal fruits and dry fruits to it can give excellent benefits.

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     Breakfasts like Idli, dosha, puri etc. come to mind for morning breakfast. But, apart from these there are many types of breakfasts available. Oats is one of them. Yes, you can get many benefits by making vote as breakfast. Oats can be eaten not only for breakfast but also in various ways. Why eat these oats? Know the benefits of oats.

Oats are a good food to have for breakfast in the morning. A cup (81grams) Oats contain protein 10.7g, carbohydrates 54.8g, sugar 0.8g, fiber 8.1g, fat 5.3g.

People with diabetes can eat these oats comfortably, for those who want to lose weight. If you eat it, you will get good results.Eating foods made with oats will keep your skin healthy.

Oats keep the sugar levels in the body stable, provide melatonin hormone to the body. It sleeps well.

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    Reduces stress. Removes anxiety and stress. The minerals in oats keep the bones strong. The zinc in it prevents infections.

If oats are eaten daily, the body has the ability to fight against bacteria, viruses and fungi increases.

Lowers cholesterol levels. It also keeps high blood pressure under control. Improves blood supply in the body. It prevents the risk of heart diseases.

Helps control blood sugar. Promotes the release of hormones. If women include oats in their diet, they may experience hormonal imbalance.

If you want to get rid of obesity, you can take oats in the morning and at night. Consuming milk and fruit in these will fill the stomach, they are high in fiber, due to its presence, digestion runs smoothly. The food eaten is also well digested.

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