10 Interesting Makhana benefits – All you want to know

Popcorn was the first to be regarded as an essential time pass snack, but pool makhana has now joined the list. This makhana, which resembles white and white balls of popcorn, made it to the front row not only for enjoyment, but also for superfood. It originated in Bihar, india, and has since been incorporated into global cuisine in a variety of flavors. Let’s take a look at how this pool makhana, also known as a nut that retains the nutrients of dried fruits, is created… from lotus seeds to pool makhana… the unique characteristics…

Makhana nothing but Lotus seeds (Prickly water lily)

Makhana comes from lotus flowers that bloom beautifully in ponds and mud pits. But not all types of lotus flower seeds. Although various types of lotuses are used in cooking in some places, pool makhana is made from Euryal forex and prickly water lily. Mostly found in Asia, this type of water lily has flowers – purple in color with small, small leaves – up to three feet in size. Hence, this makhana lotus pond is filled with green leaves. And when it comes to seeds… these makhana seeds are located near the pods of beautifully painted lotus flowers. After all the flower wings fall off, all the seeds dry up and reach the bottom of the water.

Only the leaves are visible above the water. Those leaves are moved aside and the lotus seeds at the bottom are collected with nets and baskets. Then they are washed and dried to remove all moisture. The black seeds, which have been cleaned without soil and other debris, are roasted in iron balls on a thin flame according to a method. After that, if you crack the seeds, they will come out bursting in the popcorn. In some places this whole process is done in traditional ways… in other places it is done with the help of machines.


Makhana belongs to India

Cultivation of this pool makhana, which is very famous in the international market, has started in india. Madhubani Makhana Putillu in Bihar. It has been made here for almost two hundred years. At that time small farmers from lotus seedsThose who produce makhana.

Lotus seeds are also called ‘Black Diamonds’ as they give good income and eradicate poverty. The demand for lotus seeds has increased as everyone knows the greatness of this makhana, which is used in food as well as medicine. Slowly neighboring districts also started cultivating. The Mithilanchal region of Bihar became known as Pool Makhana as the government also encouraged the cultivation of this crop.

There are some villages that depend on Makhana for their livelihood. That’s it… 90 percent of the pool makhana produced worldwide is in India and 85 percent of it is in the state of Bihar. That is why the region received GI tag under the name of Mithila Makhana. Known as Fox Nuts, Lotus Seeds, Popped Water Alley Seeds, Makhana has become a beloved food around the world, followed by America, Canada and Australia.

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Available in Different Flavours and products

Pool makhana has become a part of children’s snacks and has lots of customization options. It came with flavors. Along with salty and sweet flavors like mint, tomato,available in onion cream flavors. It is also mouth-watering with the flavors of pepper, periperi, cheese and chocolate.

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Apart from raw nuts and snacks, many variety of dishes are prepared with Makhana nuts. Makhanani, which is said to be a good protein food, has also been brought in the form of powders for children. Moreover, there are many laddoos, barfi sweetoo, chips made from these in the market.

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Benefits of Makhana

  1. Makhana is low in calories. Moreover, the proteins and peaches in it keep you from feeling hungry for a long time. Hence, it is good for those who want to lose weight
  2. The high fiber content of these nuts – improves the digestive system. Constipation and other abdominal diseases are reduced to a great extent if included in the daily diet. With Makhana, aging skin will not disappear quickly.
  3. The flavonoids in it, antioxidants also prevent wrinkles and white hair on the skin. Brings moisture to the skin.
  4. Its high magnesium content keeps the heart healthy. Controls cholesterol and triglycerides.
  5. High in potassium and low in sodium, this makhana is a good food for people with high blood pressure.
  6. It controls blood sugar levels as it has a low glycemic index. So various researches say that diabetics can also eat it.
  7. Eating makhana makes bones and teeth strong. The reason for that is the high calcium content in it. It is very good for those suffering from joint pain.
  8.  Brain works actively due to high B-Vitamin in it.
  9.  Makhana is also very beneficial for mental health. It removes anxiety, depression and insomnia.
  10. The various nutrients in it – reduce hormonal imbalances in women, increase fertility in men, flush out waste from the body, they are very helpful in boosting immunity.

Instead of a daily snack with coffee or tea, choose these, they provide both taste and nutrients!



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